Saturday, 12 April 2014

Fresh Prince of residential care

I read a tweet this week from will smith it said @imWilISmith: Learn to appreciate what you have, before time forces you to appreciate what you had. Well today's visit to dad reallÅ· made me appreciate this. I have spent 45 minutes feeding my dad mush, sorry pureed diet! It smelled reallÅ· nice. It was bolognese and mash!!!! Wrong combination in my view, but he ate it. So I. Have made myself a bizarre tea of texture so I would appreciate chewing. Odd but true. He also ate all his pudding. He eats everything they give him however is still losing weight at a rate of 8kgs each month. I hope that slows down. He is now very distant and I would say confused. But, he does not come across as cross or confused. He thinks I'm the bonkers one because I can't see my nan in the room, she would be over 125 now. Nor can I hear grandad upstairs. It no longer worries me I just play along and he seems to happy with that. He asked me to get sawdust from the shop last week! End of life care is fantastic, he seems settled and the carers are great. I know he is still my dad because he still tries to crack a random joke with anyone who goes in the room.