Thursday 3 May 2018

It’s no ones fault

Whilst it is a few years since I posted, I still follow the dementia community. I await the day a paraphrenia community develops, as I have so many tales to tell on that subject!  A whole series of tales in fact!
So welcome back.
Nice to see you again!
Hope you enjoying a jolly nice spring!
 I have read with some concern a post on social media today, asking for all things that cause death in dementia. Now the naughty side of me wants to say heart stopped beating or failed to continue breathing, but families need to understand what will happen.


 Yes that says CANT

 No one can.
 People with dementia all have their own experience, All you can do is be there, be their memory and remember them.
Do not get stuck on the detail . It will consume you.

You loved them!
That is all that matters.

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