Monday 8 April 2013

Move over Jensen Button!

We may have a high speed hero in the making. Yes I know I normally blog about Clem. But today's is about the funniest thing I have seen in months. Even Betty giggled. This weekend I took mum to see dad to the home. She was very nervous and spent 3 hours in asda trying to put it off. We finally arrived and he was looking good. Pretty fine in fact. Clean, tidy and apart from am I coming home questions, was in good form. They held hands through the visit, something I have never seen them do before. They obviously miss each other, but, at this stage, are better apart. Her parting words, well know I know he is ok I can let friends come. But today I took an hour, which turned into the whole day, to take her to the doctors. He gave her the memory test, she passed with flying colours, he thinks her problem is stress related. Then came the funny bit. She had seen a scooter for sale. She had bought it unseen at a bargain price. We had to pick it up. Quite a boring task. Oh No. The lady sat my mum on the scooter to explain the gears and accelerator, next minute mums scooter had mounted the lady's new one, bent bull bars, or rather hamster bars, chipped paintwork. And me wide eyed and trying not to laugh. No injuries but an old guy wishing he has reversed it out the garage without letting her sit on it. She promptly paid and scooted off home. I drove, chuckling all the way.

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